Sunday, February 22, 2009

3rd week

it's all been set, i've been getting 4 small toy car (stole it from small little kid>=3....juz jokin"~XP")
now all i need to do is to stick them together with a ducttape n get some balloon...(darnXO"~..forgot to get the balloon=.=....anybody hav an extra balloon that u guys don't need?~ u can giv it for charity for me>

2nd week...

last week....i couldn't post anything because of some sort of i'm posting twice this week

last week i was thinking that the car needs a wooden wheel to move....but i guess i can't find any some sort of replacement for the wheel to move.... so what i've been thinking, i would use a small toy car attach to the pringles package.... stick it with some sort of tape......n then place the balloon at the back......

Sunday, February 8, 2009

still thinking....

my plan to make my balloon car, is to make it out of "pringles" package thingy"....i'll modified it by making a hole, insert some wheel on it, n then i'll put some aerial system at front of the car......

i think it would be good if i make it out of wood for the wheel n the front of the car...

n yeah,...that's wud i'm practically thinking about it for this week.......thank you~
